The Madhya Space
There is a place I go, that is deep inside of me, I go there to listen, to reflect, to remember. This place doesn’t have a location, I call it the space in-between.
In Tantrik philosophy it is referred to as the Madhya Space. It’s the space between breath, the intermittent silent silence between the in-breath and the out-breath, it is the place between sounds, before one sensory sound merges into the other, it is the millisecond between each heartbeat, it’s subtleness so soft, it feels almost as unreachable as melting due.
But the more I pay attention to this place of Pause,
The deeper the Pause becomes.
As though it is stretching out into a liminal space of deep mystery.
A space between the 'what was' and the 'next.'
A place of transition, waiting, and not knowing.
A space where all transformation takes place, if we learn to wait and let it form us.
A space beyond here, a space beyond the places we know, but when we find ourselves falling into here,
into wide open, empty, formless space,
this is when we arrive,
when we remember.
This is the space that keeps our soul aligned and leads our soul home.
In one heart,
Gwen B
Sakura Spaces in the Forest by Gwen B